Tuesday 29 April 2008

The Creek

The Creek by Jo Bradford
A 10 minute trip from my studio, this is a great place to escape for the afternoon in search of inspiration.

Friday 25 April 2008

Spring has sprung!

Buy Singled Out by Jo Bradford

Evidence of Spring is all around now, there are flowers in the grass and in the trees, and the air has the sweet scent of blossom drifiting along it, hooray for Spring!

Thursday 24 April 2008

Big Blue Sea

Big Blue Sea by Jo Bradford
This is my newest listing to my Green Island Art shop - I took it on Sunday - I was in the dunes with my dog, enjoying the sun and these glimpses of the ocean through the long grass.

Sunday 20 April 2008


Immersion by Jo Bradford

European friends - buy this here

American friends - buy this here

I love the Spring - the warm air and sunshine fills you with the desire to immerse yourself in the salty water and wash the winter blues away.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

That's Delish Feature

I was featured on That's Delish today, it's a Conneticut based blog which features all kinds of interesting art, design, technological and cultural inspirations from around the globe.
Thanks to Caitlin for the mention!!

Monday 14 April 2008

Life's a Beach

Photograph © Jo Bradford
Blue Beach Days by Jo Bradford
Such a great place to hang out, walk the dog, go surfing, and people watch of course!
© All contributed content, all rights reserved

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle.....

by Jo Bradford
"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle,
I no longer despair for the future of mankind"
H.G. Wells

Thursday 3 April 2008

Blue Afternoon

Buy Blue Afternoon by Jo Bradford

I take great comfort from the ocean - when all is not going to plan - I can step out of my front door, and take a walk along the cliffs. The sheer scale of the Atlantic Ocean puts it all in perspective.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Antiquated Avant-garde

Jump!! by Jo Bradford
See more about Jump! here

As the rest of the world rushes headlong into the digital revolution - I find that digital photography increasingly holds little meaning for me. Whilst in the early 2000's I wholly embraced the digitisation of photography for it's speed and simplicity, it is precisely that sterility and the lack of contact with the process that I am now feeling disenchanted with.
I find myself retreating further into the world of experimental photography and alternative processes. One of my favourite processes is the cyanotype method. I love that it allows one to reconnect with the process of capturing light on paper in its simplest form. The whole process of mixing up the powdered chemicals to create my own light sensitive emulsion, then painting it on to watercolour paper with a Japanese hake brush is very pleasing. But what I love most is that the print is made in sunlight, so I get to sit outside my studio in the sunshine during the exposure and reflect on anything and everything whilst I wait for the big yellow fellow to do his work.

A scientist friend of mine says that I am part of the antiquated avant-garde. I suppose cyanotypes and luminograms are pretty avant garde, culturally and artistically speaking. Meanwhile, I am more than happy to separate myself from a mainstream society burying itself in a avalanche of digital imagery, while I eschew the ease of the new, in favour of something more tactile and real.
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