Thursday, 15 April 2010

Swallows return...

The swallow, bonny birdie, comes sharp twittering o’er the sea,
And gladly is her carol heard for the sunny days to be;
She shares not with us wintry glooms, but yet, no faithless thing,
She hunts the summer o’er the earth with wearied little wing.

~ Thomas Aird  ~

A couple of days ago I saw the first swallow of the year, wheeling and darting across the sky above the orchard, and I felt thrilled at this happy portent of summer!  It reminded me that I made some pictures of swallows and their young at the end of last summer some of which are now in my area of the Getty Images library.  

I don't think I shared these pictures with you at the time, so here they are now....  more wildlife work than art but I just wanted to share them with you. 


Char said...

what a beautiful thing that something can come home again and again

Geisslein said...

Oh I LOVE (!!!) these pictures! Great great great! Have a very lovely day today!

Katja Maki said...

Thanks so much for these images. These little swallows are such wonderful reminders of spring! So precious!

DolceDreams said...

I love them, I can hear them now...the summer is coming!
Have a fun day, you can come to my garden shed any day in your bikini, Jo!
p.s. wish I could share a bit of our sunshine with you, we gat more than we need!

Jan's camera said...

Hi, Jo, I just came across your blog through 'Roid Week. These photos are so lovely. What a great capture. I love your photos. They are very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

Natsuko said...

Oh wow - these are stunning. Massive fan.

Job said...

Beautiful! Thank for sharing those photos. The image is priceless.

Digital camcorders said...

The image quality is really good. I can say that you have a talent in photography. Nice shot!

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