Saturday, 20 June 2009

Happy Days - we have a winner!!


Well yesterday marked the end of my 10 day Pay It Forward giveaway here on the Green Island Studios blog.
I have just entered all of the entries into the random number generator and it came up with lucky number 43!! That's you Sabine, La Marquise des anges, congratulations on winning the June Giveaway!!

Sabine chose Sea Pinks as her prize, so I will hand print it this week and it will be winging its way to Sabine in the South Of France very soon.

Sabine, please let us all know what you decide to do to continue to pay it forward.... I love to hear where the good fortune goes next.
The happy days picture featured on today's post is one of a series i took a few years ago and lost... but I stumbled across a shoe box full of discs this week as I was clearing out at my studio and was pleased to find a whole load of "lost" art :)) More to follow soon

Happy Weekend y'all!!

Jo xoxo


myan said...

congratulations sabine! :)

Char said...

congrats winner!

love the shot - a great discovery

Sabine, La Marquise des anges said...

I can't believe it I am so excited !!! thank you so much JO ... I will continue to pay it forward as soon as I can arrange that ...

have a great day and thanks again.

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