Tuesday, 16 November 2010

New Folksy Shop

Hi Folks!!

It has been a while since I posted anything, but with good reason, I have been so busy with my photography commissions, exhibitions and residencies that I have not had time for anything else besides.  

After several years of selling my work in the Brooklyn, New York, based Etsy site and the Berlin based DaWanda Site,  i felt it was about time I started selling from a UK based platform and after much deliberation I have chosen to sell at Folksy.

So if you are a British buyer of my work you no longer have to shop for my art in dollars and euros - you can shop with me at Folksy and pay in pounds :)

Here is a screenshot of my brand new Folksy shop 

Hope to see you over there soon :) 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, it looks so beautiful! Congratulation on you new shop! I hope you'll sell A LOT ;O)))

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